strawberry season
Truskawkowy sezon już rozpoczęty :) Mam nawet w ogródku 2 rządki moich własnych, zdrowych i słodkich truskaweczek! Przyrządzam je na różne sposoby, a ostatnio moim ulubionym "przepisem" jest mini koktajl truskawkowo-bananowy z mlekiem. Prościzna, ale pomyślałam, że się nim podzielę ;)
The strawberry season started :) I even have my own 2 rows of healthy and sweet strawberries in the backyard! I prepare them in many ways but lately my favourite way to eat them is a mini milk smoothie with banannas. It's so simple but I thought I would share :)
Truskawek :) Strawberries :)
1 banan 1 banana
schłodzone mleko chilled milk
blender blender
Wszystko kroimy na mniejsze kawałeczki, proporcje ustalasz sama, jak i to ile mleka dodasz, ponieważ od tego zależy jak gęsty będzie nasz koktajl. Zamiast banana możesz dodać inne owoce :)
Cut everything into small pieces. The proportions are your own, you can also change fruit if you want to. The more milk you put the more runny consistency it will be.
Gotowe :) haha mówiłam, że proste :)
Voila! :) I told you it's simple :)
oh my gosh I am absolutely obsessed with Pretty Little Liars! It's amazing!
OdpowiedzUsuńthankyou for my comment, I believe my Louboutins are called Décolleté 100 jazz pumps (: they're super comfy and go with everything!
Love your blog, I am following :) follow back?
I also love to do smoothies with strawberry. I will definitely try this vesion! :)
OdpowiedzUsuńI was so touched by your comment! I totally relate to your words, that is also my belief!
And the last part of your comment has touched a lot. I guess I am not ready yet to face the things that I whish. As you said, I am sure that things will happend anyway, it is just a matter of time. Thank you for your beautiful words! <3
Take care dear :)